The Ridiculousness of Chefs

Relatable stories from kitchens about how absurd chefs can be…

This post is an ode/outlet for chefs. Feel free to send in your own funny stories to me.

  • Today I was told by my chef patron that I’m useless because I forgot to shake the cypon gun before service. Of course, this also means I should start an hour earlier than the rest of the restaurant because I am incapable of setting up.

  • My head chef has such an unbelievable complex about ‘being right’ that he told me to blanche the kale and then chiffonade it… IN WHAT WORLD WOULD THAT BE A GOOD IDEA.

  • Today, I got set for service in impeccable time. My section looked perfect, sauces were on point and everything was going to plan. Until, we got a confit egg on order. I heated the puree with the onions, put it on the pass with the egg, when I realised… the slotted spoon for the confit egg yolks was not there. Not where it always is. Not in the exact same position it should be. Panic set in immediately. I’d already handed Chef the egg. I scrambled around looking for the spoon, knowing it must be downstairs. Asking to go downstairs when the egg is on the pass was suicide… but I had no choice. I will never forget the egg spoon again.

  • Toys thrown out of the pram today by my ‘17-years-experience’ chef patron when

  • Another one to add to the being right saga…

  • the peanuts and the cahsews


What working in a kitchen is really like